Joe Romm has
instructed his readers and the media not to read what I write. One brave soul, an economist at the Australian National Universityhas violated Joe's orders and based on Romm's directives,
actually has read some of what I've written:
I'd never heard of either Roger Pielke Sr or Roger Pielke Jr until I read very critical commentary on both of them on the Climate Progress blog. I've looked through a lot of Pielke Junior's blogposts, his paper in nature with Wigley, and slides from a recent presentation he gave. Most of what I read seemed entirely non-controversial from my perspective. In no way is the guy a "climate denier". Rather, he seems concerned that:
1. Proposed policy is too ineffective and instead more measures should be taken to directly encourage innovation.
2. Scientific results are used incorrectly by many climate policy advocates. This reduces the credibility of science in the eyes of the public when they realise "they've been had".
So I don't see what all the fuss is about.
I suppose I should thank Joe for sending an open-minded reader my way ;-)