The IPCC report includes the following focal areas, among others:
Changes in impacts of climate extremes: human systems and ecosystemsMy nomination came about when a colleague asked me in the spring of 2009 if I was participating in the committee. I explained to him that there was no point, as the IPCC would never select me to be included. He said they'd have to select me, if nominated, given my expertise and the IPCC's historical reliance on my work. So we made a bet of a beer, and I was nominated. Obviously, I won the bet and the beer. Since then, a range of colleagues have asked me why I am not participating on the committee.
- Role of climate extremes in natural and socioeconomic systems
- Nature of impacts and relation to hazards
- Observed trends in system exposure and vulnerability
- System- and sector-based aspects of vulnerability, exposures, and impacts
- Regional aspects of vulnerability, exposures, and impacts
- Costs of climate extremes and disasters
There is a good case to be made that since I have collaborated in a lot of work in this area, I should not be on the committee, because I would be evaluating my own work. I think that this argument makes sense. However, this has not been a criterion used by the IPCC in its empanelment decisions in the past or on the extremes committee (based on who else was selected). However, having seen the efforts of the IPCC to actively undercut my work in its past reports and more recently via press release, I have my views as to what sort of criteria it employed in deciding the panel's membership;-)